
i like book: a review & giveaway

Until recently, I hadn't ever heard of an i like book. Have you? If not, prepare to be enlightened:

What is it?
The i like book is a twelve-month, open calendar style book. You need not start at the beginning of the year, or even the start of a new month. For each day, a space is provided for you to write in your own "likes" about another person.

The i like book for children is styled so that you can fill the pages with your favorite things about your child. I don't know a kiddo who wouldn't be thrilled to see, hear, or read so many wonderful things about themselves. This version also comes in several colors, so you can visually maintain books for siblings.

The i like book for couples provides two spaces for each day, so that you may "trade likes," filling that love bank a little more with each entry.

Why would I enjoy the book?
This is such a unique product! The concept is simple, and made to fit into even the busiest of schedules. Even a couple working opposite shifts every day could take a moment to fill in their "like," leaving the book visible for their spouse when they arrive home.

Personally speaking, I need quick and simple. Do I want to show that I care? Of course! But is it always easy to fit a time consuming project into my day? No. With the i like book, I literally need 60 seconds to show my hubby that I'm thinking about him.

There are also pages sprinkled throughout the book that encourage you to paste in a photo or share a special thought. At the end of the year, we'll have created a mini scrapbook of sorts.

Any complaints?
Important complaints? No. But! I will say that I wish the spaces were a bit roomier. I tend to write in large print, and I find that I could use a bit of extra wiggle room sometimes. Certainly not something that would keep me from using the book though.

So... the bottom line:
I highly recommend the i like book! It's a great way to spread a smile, and a little extra love to the people you care most about.

Would you like to win an i like book of your own?
Entering is simple! For each selection below, leave a separate comment letting me know you've completed the task. Each entry is optional, so you may choose how many times you'd like to enter.
1. Like Dandelions on the Wall and the i like book on Facebook
2. Follow my blog via the link to the right. Comment to let me know!
3. Visit the i like book website and leave a comment letting me know what you like most about the books
4. Share this giveaway on Facebook encouraging your friends to enter. Tag Dandelion's on the Wall, then leave a comment here letting me know you've done so.
5. Use your Pinterest account to pin this giveaway. Share a couple of details in the description of the pin, letting others know that they may come and enter to win as well. Post a link to your pin.
6. Visit the Dandelion's on the Wall Facebook page, find the photo that matches the one at the top of this post, and tag yourself in the photo. Leave a comment letting me know.

Entries close on February 14th, so enter soon! I'll announce the winner that day.

If you're impatient like me and you'd like to order a book right away, use the code kids2010 at check-out on for 40% {yep! you read that correctly!} off your book purchase!


  1. You know I liked DOTW a long time ago and now today I liked the i like book on FB too!

  2. I believe I am already a stalker eh hemmm...follower. :)

  3. What I like most about the books is that they are simple. I like that I can make each of my children feel special (some days that can be a challenge when you have a large family). And I really like that they have a couples edition!

  4. I shared and I think I tagged. I made a comment. :)

  5. I like both pages! I have been wanting one of these books forever for the kiddos, but just couldn't get myself past that price tag. Thanks for the opportunity, Christina! :)

  6. I have yet to give in and make a Pinterest acct so no go on that one. I did visit Dandelions on the Wall facebook page and I commented on the photo. Now that they have changed photos again I don't know how to tag myself! AHHH!!!!

  7. After visiting the website, and looking at these books in the past, I love that they are nurturing a loving attitude in both persons-the person who has comments written about them will feel loved and thrilled, but also for the one writing the comments. Sometimes on hard days with our spouse or kiddos the best thing we can do is simply write down our blessings, or things we love about someone to see things in a better light!

  8. I also Love the iLike book. I got one for my son and he absolutely loves it. Would love now to get one for my daughter. They will make great memory books!

  9. I tagged myself :) Ty for the chance to win!!

  10. "Liked" both links! Thanks again for the help with the diapers today. :) I'm loving your blog!

  11. "liked" the i like book on facebook already like dandelions on the wall

  12. I "liked" theiLikeBook on facebook. :o) I liked Dandelions on the Wall a long time ago.

  13. I'm following your blog. :o)

  14. I shared the giveaway! =o)

  15. ...aaaand I tagged myself! =o)

  16. Liked on facebook :) Already a fan of yours!

  17. Also following your blog :)

  18. I love the whole idea about the book! Positive thoughts always help everyone! I also love that there are different formats for different situations! <3

  19. Tagged the photo as well! Thanks so much for this giveaway :)

  20. I visited the website - I like that there aren't 'guided' questions and it's free space for you to narrate what you really like about your child.

  21. ...and I tagged myself in the photo.
    Thanks for the chance to win!

  22. I have had my eye on an "i like book" for a long time.. hope to win! I "liked" Dandelions on the Wall and the I Like Book on FB!

  23. I visited the site and I love that the books are a good communication point for parents and children- a way to really connect and boost their self-esteem positively!

  24. Also pinned this blog post via Pinterest with details of the giveaway.

  25. I shared the giveaway via Facebook and tagged Dandelions on the Wall.

  26. And I tagged myself in the photo on your FB page.
