
Creative, Organized, and Inexpensive Jewelry Storage {what to do with a vintage dresser drawer}

I love jewelry. Vintage or brand new, inexpensive... or expensive, real, or "faux." It's all fun!

But--I confess. My jewelry is usually so tucked away that I seldom wear much of it. My other confession? I take off my three daily rings at night, and tend to leave them laying around the house. It drives my husband absolutely crazy.

So I set out to change both of those habits the other day.

I stumbled upon the perfect old dresser drawer {thanks to Kris at Artemis!!}, carried it home, and got to work. The steps were easy:

1. Wipe down or scrub your drawer, depending on the level of, ehem, age? 'patina?'
2. Fill holes that previously secured drawer pulls or hardware.
3. Sand the filled spaces, and anything else that needs a touch-up.
4. Paint, paint, paint! If you're like me, you've got a hearty stash of paint and won't need to visit the store.
5. Locate some hardware {hooks, drawer pulls, etc.} you'd like to use, measure, and pre-drill holes to secure the pieces. I had my hubby do drilling on this one.
6. Raid your house {or go shopping!} for a collection of tea cups, small bowls, and other containers.
7. Organize!

Small cups are great for bracelets and rings, and their edge provides the perfect place to hang earrings {earrings pictured above are from this shop}. The small tin star in the fore-ground of this image {see photo above for a better view} will hold those rings I take off every night.

Because I had most of the supplies on hand, this project cost less than $20 to complete. I'll bet you've got a lot of the supplies on hand as well! Give it a try.

Shared on... Whatever You Want Wednesday


  1. I love this! I'm not much of a jewelry person but maybe if I had something like this, I would wear what I do have more.
    What a good idea Christina!

    1. Thanks! And yes--that's exactly my theory. If it's out and I see it each day, maybe I'll wear things more? And the fun part is that you can choose any size drawer to make it practical for your collection :)


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