
Single-Serving, Two-Minute Chocolate Chip Cookie {gluten free, dairy free, soy free}

I've really been on a chocolate chip cookie kick lately! Here is another recipe that you should definitely keep on hand. It's perfect for a late-night craving, or a quick treat while your littles are sleeping the afternoon away.

You'll Need:
1 Tbsp. Earth Balance
1 Tbsp. Sugar
1 Tbsp. Brown Sugar
1/4 tsp. Vanilla {just a tiny pour, really}
Sprinkle of Salt
1 Egg Yolk
1/4 Cup Gluten Free, All-Purpose Flour
Sprinkle of Xanthan Gum
2 Tbsp. Chocolate Chips

To Make:
Put Earth Balance in a small, microwave safe dish or ramekin, and microwave to melt. It takes 20 seconds in my microwave.
Add sugar, brown sugar, vanilla, and a quick sprinkle of salt, and mix with a fork.
Add egg yolk, and mix.
Add flour and xanthan gum, and mix, again, stirring well to remove any flour lumps.
Stir in chocolate chips {more or less to taste}, and then use the fork to gently spread the mixture across the bottom of the dish.
Microwave your cookie for 60 seconds, let it sit for a minute or two, and then dig in!


  1. Looks lovely, but coming from the UK, I have no idea what @Earth Balance' is. Can you explain, please?

    1. Earth Balance is what I use in place of butter. Because of my soy allergy, mainstream margarine options are out for this girl. So--whatever you use in place of butter, use it for this recipe :)

  2. If I use regular flour & butter, would the xanthan gum still be necessary? Where do I buy that at?Thanks!!-Dani B

    1. Nope! You can omit the xanthan gum, and your results will be great. Read more about that in my "using mainstream ingredients" post, here:


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