
Gluten Free, Dairy Free, Soy Free Peanut Butter Banana Muffins

I made these on a whim the other day. I was craving peanut butter, and had some bananas to use up, so why not?! The recipe makes a dozen muffins {with perhaps a touch of leftover batter, depending on the size of your muffin cups--these silicone cups don't hold quite as much as their paper counterparts}, and I really wouldn't recommend making more than that at a time unless you're feeding a crowd. Because they're so moist, they really weren't as tasty two days in. Perhaps storing them in the fridge would have remedied this problem, but I won't know until I try making them again.

You won't see a recipe for the topping here, because you don't need one. It's simply a dollop of peanut butter and a little slice of banana. Simple, and free of excess sugar!

Muffin Ingredients:
1 Cup All Purpose Gluten Free Flour
2/3 Cup GF Oats
1 tsp. Baking Powder
1 tsp. Xanthan Gum
1/2 tsp. Baking Soda
1/2 tsp. Salt
2 Tbsp. Apple Sauce
1/2 Cup Brown Sugar
1 Egg
2 Mashed Bananas
1/4 Cup Peanut Butter
2/3 Cup Almond Milk
1 tsp. Vanilla Extract

Combine the dry ingredients and mix well. Set aside.
Combine the wet ingredients, plus brown sugar, and stir to combine. Gently stir in the flour mixture.
If you're using silicone muffin cups, lightly grease the inside with oil or shortening.
Divide the batter evenly among 12 muffin cups {or papers placed in a muffin tin}.
Bake at 350 degrees for 20-25 minutes, until the tops are springy and a toothpick inserted near the center appears clean.

Store cooled muffins in an air-tight container, perhaps in the refrigerator.
Top with peanut butter and sliced bananas for an extra treat.

I've shared this recipe on... Allergy Free Wednesday's

i like book: WINNER!

Congratulations, Rebekah! Send me a message when you have a minute :)

General Tso's Chicken {gluten, dairy, and soy free}

I confess. I'm a little bit obsessed with this chicken right now. It's that good.

In fact, this picture kind of gives that fact away. It's very different from my usual, brightly lit food on a plate. Why? Because there aren't ever any leftovers! Those pictures often happen with my lunch leftovers the next day, when the light is right for picture snappin'!

{I feel like I just shared one of my deepest secrets.}

Only, not really.

Anyway! Want to make some of this chicken for your family?? Please do. It's amazing.

You'll Need:
For Sauce:
1 Tbsp. Corn Starch
1/2 Cup Water
2-3 Cups Veggies {washed and trimmed; I like to use green beans, snow peas and mushrooms}
2 Garlic Cloves
1 Tbsp. {fresh} Grated Ginger
1 1/2 Tbsp. Brown Sugar*
2 Tbsp. Coconut Aminos*
1/4 tsp. Red Pepper Flakes

For Chicken:
2 Egg Whites
3 Tbsp. Corn Starch
1/2 tsp. Salt
1/4 tsp. Pepper
2-3 Chicken Breasts {cut into bite-sized pieces}
Olive Oil

To Make:
For Sauce:
Combine the corn starch and water, mixing thoroughly to dissolve completely.
Stir in the remaining liquid and spices, and then pour over washed vegetables.

For Chicken:
Whisk corn starch, salt, and pepper into the egg whites.
Add chicken, stirring to coat evenly.

To Cook:
Heat a non-stick skillet {trust me on this one! I tried it with my typical pan, which isn't non-stick, and wound up with a huge mess!} with a bit of olive oil over medium-high heat.
Add chicken to the skillet, pausing when you lift it from the egg white mixture to remove excess.
Cook the chicken for several minutes, browning the meat.
Add the vegetables and sauce, stir to combine, and then cover while the vegetables cook. Stir occasionally.

Ideas & Notes:
If you're vegan, this dish would be great with tofu! In my tofu days, I probably would have cubed the tofu, coating it in a bit of corn starch and water and then frying it for a few minutes. Continue with the recipe from that point.

We like to eat our chicken over freshly cooked rice.

*If you're not avoiding traditional soy sauce, or if your diet calls for gluten-free {non-coconut aminos} soy sauce, double the brown sugar called for, to 3 Tbsp.

This post shared at:  Slightly Indulgent Tuesdays, Allergy Free Wednesday

How To: Dye Prefold Diapers {an update}

Remember those dyed prefolds?

They sure were pretty! ...and now several of our other diapers have a delightful blue tint. I'm not worried about it, but I'm pretty darned thankful that I didn't wind up tinting everything... say... pink.

So the Rit Dye is out.

What to do??

Try again--with Dylon Dyes. They're a higher quality dye, and several friends suggested that I wouldn't have the bleeding/running issue if I used something better than grocery store Rit.

The process was similar: I filled my stainless steel sink with warm water, dissolved the dye according to the package directions, added some salt to the sink water, and then plunged in a couple of wet prefold diapers. After I had achieved the color I hoped for {it only took a few minutes--NOT the hour-long dye bath recommended on their packaging}, I rinsed the diapers thoroughly under cold, running water, then moved like colors to the washing machine to rinse. Finally, I washed the diapers in a warm wash cycle with my usual detergent.

I noticed right away that the "extra" dye rinsed away much more quickly, and I'm hopeful that this will be a more permanent dye. Regardless, these diapers will be washed separately a few times to be sure!!

Shared on... Tuesday Time Out, Teach Me Tuesday

i like book: a review & giveaway

Until recently, I hadn't ever heard of an i like book. Have you? If not, prepare to be enlightened:

What is it?
The i like book is a twelve-month, open calendar style book. You need not start at the beginning of the year, or even the start of a new month. For each day, a space is provided for you to write in your own "likes" about another person.

The i like book for children is styled so that you can fill the pages with your favorite things about your child. I don't know a kiddo who wouldn't be thrilled to see, hear, or read so many wonderful things about themselves. This version also comes in several colors, so you can visually maintain books for siblings.

The i like book for couples provides two spaces for each day, so that you may "trade likes," filling that love bank a little more with each entry.

Why would I enjoy the book?
This is such a unique product! The concept is simple, and made to fit into even the busiest of schedules. Even a couple working opposite shifts every day could take a moment to fill in their "like," leaving the book visible for their spouse when they arrive home.

Personally speaking, I need quick and simple. Do I want to show that I care? Of course! But is it always easy to fit a time consuming project into my day? No. With the i like book, I literally need 60 seconds to show my hubby that I'm thinking about him.

There are also pages sprinkled throughout the book that encourage you to paste in a photo or share a special thought. At the end of the year, we'll have created a mini scrapbook of sorts.

Any complaints?
Important complaints? No. But! I will say that I wish the spaces were a bit roomier. I tend to write in large print, and I find that I could use a bit of extra wiggle room sometimes. Certainly not something that would keep me from using the book though.

So... the bottom line:
I highly recommend the i like book! It's a great way to spread a smile, and a little extra love to the people you care most about.

Would you like to win an i like book of your own?
Entering is simple! For each selection below, leave a separate comment letting me know you've completed the task. Each entry is optional, so you may choose how many times you'd like to enter.
1. Like Dandelions on the Wall and the i like book on Facebook
2. Follow my blog via the link to the right. Comment to let me know!
3. Visit the i like book website and leave a comment letting me know what you like most about the books
4. Share this giveaway on Facebook encouraging your friends to enter. Tag Dandelion's on the Wall, then leave a comment here letting me know you've done so.
5. Use your Pinterest account to pin this giveaway. Share a couple of details in the description of the pin, letting others know that they may come and enter to win as well. Post a link to your pin.
6. Visit the Dandelion's on the Wall Facebook page, find the photo that matches the one at the top of this post, and tag yourself in the photo. Leave a comment letting me know.

Entries close on February 14th, so enter soon! I'll announce the winner that day.

If you're impatient like me and you'd like to order a book right away, use the code kids2010 at check-out on for 40% {yep! you read that correctly!} off your book purchase!

Egg Muffins

These guys are a little bit funny looking, aren't they? But they're cute, somehow, in a breakfast-y way.

They're egg muffins. Made from nothing but beaten eggs, and filled with your choice of add-ins. I like to bake mine in {these} silicone muffin cups.

You'll Need:
1 Egg per muffin cup {if you'd like eight muffins, crack eight eggs}
Your choice of add-ins, such as... bacon, mushrooms, Daiya "cheese," green onions, chopped bell pepper.
Salt & Pepper
Oil {you choose, and you choose the application. I like to use my mister with Olive Oil.}

To Make:
Crack eggs into a mixing bowl.
Season with salt and pepper, and beat with a whisk.
Coat the inside of the muffin cups with oil, and pour a bit of egg into each cup, about 1/2 inch deep.
Drop in veggies, Daiya, etc., and then pour in the remaining egg, filling each cup evenly.
Bake at 375 degrees for about 30 minutes, until a knife inserted into the center comes out clean and/or the tops of the muffins appear "dry." {no visible wet egg}

I love to make a large batch of these at the start of the week, and then reheat a couple of them for breakfast each morning.

{this moment}

{this moment} - A Friday ritual. A single photo - no words - capturing a moment from the week. A simple, special, extraordinary moment. A moment I want to pause, savor and remember.
If you're inspired to do the same, leave a link to your 'moment' in the comments for all to find and see.
{A video featuring this roller coaster ride is available on my Flickr Page :)}

How to Handle the Expense of a Gluten Free Diet

"Gluten free items are so expensive, and I'm on a budget! How do you afford to eat this way??"

This is, without a doubt, the most commonly asked question once people learn about the way I eat. And rightfully so! So many of us are on a budget these days, and "specialty" foods really add up quickly.

I don't think it would be fair for me to answer this question without some blatant honesty first.

Are you ready for it?

My grocery budget is kind of obnoxious.

But don't panic! I promise, you really can have a very normal grocery bill and still eat in a way that allows you to feel your best.

If I sit back and think about *why* my budget is this way, I can come up with several reasons. First, I kind of love to shop at our local, all-organic store. It's not a snobbiness thing, it's just... me. It's a choice I make. Even my husband has come to love our weekend trips to Huckleberry's, and the three-year-old insists that we shop at the store "up the big mountain" rather than the closer, mainstream store. Second, food is my 'medicine.' I could spend money visiting doctor's routinely for my health problems, or I could eat a healthy, balanced diet that is right for me. {I sure know which one sounds more appealing to me!}

Other factors? I bake and cook. A lot. Primarily because of this blog project, I find myself in search of ingredients I might not have considered before, or items I don't always keep on hand, so that I can try new recipes or ideas. If you aren't doing something similar, your menu rotations might not be so broad, meaning a more stream-lined pantry and budget. I also feed two very busy, hard-working boys. One of them eats a whole lot more than the other, but they both eat more than I do on any given day!

Anyway--my point is that, while I don't maintain a tight grocery budget, it's not impossible. Here are my suggestions:

1. If your diet includes meat, consider not eating meat every day. Plan a couple of meatless dinners each week, and you'll definitely see the savings! My recipe for red beans and rice is a big, big hit in our house and cost pennies to make.
2. Collect coupons. Yes, they exist! Start by following your favorite companies online. Many of my favorite brands {Udi's, Daiya, Enjoy Life...} offer printable coupons via their website or Facebook. The Earth Balance website has a community resource where you can post recipes and participate in discussions. Posting a recipe will land you a couple of coupons, and being a routine "commenter" on their Facebook page or the community will often score some freebies too. Watch for sales at your favorite stores, check for fliers or brochures posted near products {they often hide a coupon inside}, or, consider writing a sweet e-mail to the company ASKING for coupons. Sometimes they'll send 'em right along. It's also sometimes worth it to pick up those little freebie magazines in the natural section of your grocery store. They might be hiding a coupon or two.
3. Shop in the bulk bins. Beans, rice, specialty flours, gluten free pasta, Enjoy Life chocolate chips, dried fruits, snacks... these are all things I can {and do} find in my local bulk bins.
4. Shop online. For products you know and love, Amazon can be a great resource for stocking up. You'll often have to buy by the case, so make sure it's something you love first! ...and do the math. Not all "deals" are really deals at all.
5. Cook from scratch. Yes, that pretty jar of organic spaghetti sauce looks enticing. Don't buy it. Instead, buy some veggies and make your own! Use an inexpensive can of plain tomato sauce as your base for a speedier option.
6. Choose your battles. I like to buy organic products. It's important to me. Sometimes, it's just not worth it though. For example, I keep a pretty good supply of canned beans around, for a variety of things. Black beans, chick peas, kidney... and at more than $2.00 each for the organic variety, I'm better off stocking up on the $0.69 mainstream variety during a sale. That leaves me with some wiggle room for the bag of coconut flour I want to try, or to pick up a new package of xanthan gum when I'm low.
7. Remember that some of those expensive products will last a long, long time. The xanathan gum I mentioned? And my frequent baking habits? I bought a package of Bob's Red Mill brand xanthan gum when I started my endeavor in October of 2010. I just replaced it this month, February of 2012.

This is only a start, and some of these ideas might seem pretty basic, but with a little bit of planning and compromise, you can afford to eat this way. I promise.

Do you have something to add? A shopping tip I might have missed, or a question I haven't answered? Please let me know in the comments and I'll happily include your suggestions in my post!

Homemade {gluten free} Taco Seasoning

When this adventure began, I was really surprised to learn about some of the funky stuff lurking in taco seasoning. This is my recipe for a spice-only, easily-thrown-together, homemade taco seasoning.

You'll Need:
1/4 Cup Chili Powder
1 tsp. {each} Garlic Powder, Onion Powdered, Red Pepper Flakes, and Oregano
2 tsp. {each} Paprika and Cumin
1 Tbsp. {each} Salt and Pepper

To Make:
Combine ingredients in an air-tight container, shaking or stirring to combine.
Use like you would any other taco seasoning, mixing with a bit of water and simmering on the stove top.

I sometimes double this recipe, as it stores very well in an airtight container. Just like buying a big jar of seasoning from the store!

How to go Gluten Free: The Basics

Note: this post is based on giving up gluten, but can easily be applied to eliminating other allergens and things from your diet. In fact, I gave up gluten and dairy at the same time, and then gave up soy not long after. Use your judgement on how this might apply to your own scenario, and remember to ask questions. I love questions!

I vividly remember the day I decided to give up gluten. For me, it was all or nothing. Some will suggest that you take a few weeks to ease into the process, slowly eating up what you've already got in your pantry, and replacing those items with similar, gluten-free options. If that works for you, then go for it!

But like I said; all or nothing. I don't live well in the "gray area," and needed to make a clean break from gluten.

So what did I do? I set aside a morning, made sure my little guy was well occupied, and cleared the pantry, fridge, and freezer shelves. I did my usual sort, tossing anything old and out of date, or otherwise undesirable, and then I started to read the labels on what remained. Even the spices. Even the ketchup.

Because gluten is one of the major allergens, it *should* be clearly marked on most packages. It's not completely fail-safe, but it's a good start. For example, if the package contains "natural flavors," and isn't specifically marked gluten free, you may have found hidden gluten.

Here is an extensive list of UNSAFE ingredients, and here is a list of SAFE ingredients. When in doubt, look online or, better yet, call the manufacturer.

I am the only person in our family who is 100% gluten free, so I designated a couple of "gluten ok" shelves. One was for our toddler and his snacks, like animal crackers and Annie's mac & cheese. The other was for my husband, who will often have things on his shelf such as crackers and cereal, or nuts (which I typically can't have because of soy bean oil) and the occasional package of beef jerkey. Also found in our home, but not ok for me to eat... cheese, some deli meats, yogurt, bread for sandwiches, and the occasional wandering cookie from the bakery. This works for me because I know what I can and cannot have, and the worry about causing symptoms all over again is enough to keep me from sneaking bites.

If you're setting up a gluten-free home for a child, or if you're worried about temptation, try hiding gluten-laden items away from the "ok" food, or better yet, get rid of everything the whole family cannot enjoy.

The rest of the pantry (and fridge, and freezer) is gluten free, and nothing was left behind that wasn't gluten free. Because I do almost all of the cooking in our home, and because I'm absolutely *not* interested in cooking two separate dinners, I made it my mission to make healthy, yummy food that we would all be able to enjoy. That meant I needed a well-stocked, gluten free pantry.

I know, I know... "please tell me you didn't throw out all of that perfectly good food!" I didn't. At the time, we were living in a small apartment complex. I knew for a fact that there was a hungry family living down the way, so I packed everything into a box and went down to their apartment when I knew the children would be in school. I saw tears in mom's eyes as I explained to her that I would no longer be able to eat this big box of goodies, and wondered if she'd like to make use of them.

My point? Find someone who can use what you can't. Donate the unopened items to a food bank or shelter, take them to your neighbor's house, or put an ad on CraigsList if you have to.

At this point, our food supply was looking pretty pathetic. {I may or may not have cried during this process.}

So, I loaded our little guy into the car and headed off for the grocery store. I don't really know what I went looking for, and I certainly hadn't made a list, and the trip did NOT go well. I walked out with a box of Rice Chex and a bag of Fritos.

{My biggest problem on that day? I didn't research well enough to learn which grocery store in my area would be best to visit. Some stores carry a big allergen-friendly section! Others do not. At all.}

I remember trying to make dinner that night, and opting for taco salads. I was hovering in this awkward phase where, because you don't know what to eat, you simply avoid anything likely to contain gluten, or that you would imagine to be "bready" or "carby" in some way. So tacos were out, spaghetti was out... and all of my usual meals {at that point in my life} were out. Thus, taco salad.

Wouldn't you know it... the taco salads were a failure too! I had given up dairy at the same time, and happened to read the taco seasoning label after seasoning the freshly browned ground turkey. While the boys ate their taco-y treat, I ate a salad without dressing or cheese. {and then I cried.}

After all of that jabbering, how about a list of do's and don'ts:

Make a plan. Make a list of typical week-night meals for your family, do some reading online to identify the foods you can no longer eat, find suitable replacements, and make a list. Head to the store with your list. I *still* don't fare well at the store without a list, as I find that my meals require just a touch more planning than they used to. Partially because, when we make something like spaghetti, we purchase the whole, separate ingredients and make our own sauce. Remembering everything I'd like to include isn't as simple as grabbing a jar of sauce and a package of pasta!

Ask for help! Look online, send me a note... whatever you need to do to feel prepared, do it. Plan ahead and you're far more likely to feel successful.

Take it easy in the beginning. Rather than pulling out your favorite, perhaps elaborate recipes and trying to "replace" all of the no-no ingredients, plan some simple meals while you get your bearings. Spaghetti is simple if you use gluten free pasta and check the label on your favorite sauce, mashed potatoes are easy and filling, and homemade chicken and veggie, or beef and veggie soups are simple to put together once you've checked the label on your favorite broth. Salads are healthy and generally safe if you hold the croutons and read the dressing label.

Ask around before you shop. Which stores, in your area, are best for what you need? Is there a store that caters to allergies? vegan eating? specializes in organic and hard-to-find ingredients? I'll give you a couple of pointers and say that Safeway isn't going to cut it. Albertson's and Top Foods are probably out too, and until you're confident with your shopping, I'd also skip Trader Joe's. Fred Meyer, if you have one, will likely have a pretty good selection, and if you're in my neck of the woods, Roseaur's or Yoke's aren't bad. Top of the line, best-selection stores will include Whole Foods, Huckleberry's, and, almost everywhere, the Co-Op.

Add a bag of Bob's Red Mill Gluten-Free AP Flour and a package of Bob's Red Mill Xanthan Gum to your list. These two ingredients will take you far!!

Panic! I promise you'll eat again, and you'll eat well! I think my recipes are proof of that!

Fall into your old habits when you enter the grocery store. Stay out of those center aisles as much as you can, and shop the perimeter of the store, where you'll find fresh fruits and veggies, meats, etc.. the good-for-you stuff!

Give up. If you slip, that's ok. Just start fresh with your next meal. Don't be hard on yourself, and allow plenty of time to learn and adapt.

Now... if you've made it this far, you must really be interested in the process. That's pretty darned awesome, if you ask me! Please keep in mind that this is all based on my own transition away from gluten, dairy, and then soy. I'm not professionally educated in the subject, just sharing what I know and have learned.

Finally, what questions can I answer? I'm sure I've inspired a few, and I'd love to be able to answer your questions in the comments. Remember, if you're wondering about something from this post, you're probably not the only one!

Meal Planning... but not really!

Meal planning isn't my strong suit. I tend to lay out a loose idea of what I'd like to serve over the course of a week, and collect new recipes before heading to the store. Inevitably, though, my plans change and I make at least one trip to the store during the week.

I definitely have some "go to" favorites, though, and things that frequently make their way into our rotation.

Scrambled eggs, with or without "add in" ingredients such as mushrooms, green onions, bacon, Daiya "cheese."
French toast made with Udi's bread
Diced, pan-fried potatoes {these are a staple in our house}
{Certified gluten free} oatmeal, often made as Overnight Oatmeal
Pancakes or waffles made from Bob's Red Mill GF Pancake Mix {we add a can of pumpkin to keep pancakes moist}
Puffed Oven Pancake, a weekend favorite
Egg "muffins," which can be made ahead and reheated {recipe coming soon!}

Leftovers! I've always loved leftovers for lunch.
Grilled cheese made with Daiya and Udi's bread, or homemade bread
Quinoa & Black Bean Salad, dipped with tortilla chips
Hummus and veggies or tortilla chips
Hummus spread on a locally-made corn tortilla and wrapped with turkey deli meat or veggies
Sandwiches made with "safe" ingredients... egg salad, turkey, tuna...

Meatloaf and mashed potatoes, or meatballs with bbq sauce and mashed potatoes {use gluten free bread or oats in your current recipe}
Homemade soups... chicken noodle, potato, veggie...
Red Beans and Rice
Tacos served with locally-made corn tortillas, or taco salads
Breakfast! We love breakfast for dinner around here... see above for ideas.
Stir-fry, a good way to use up veggies in the fridge, with or without meat and served over rice
Baked chicken, sometimes whole, sometimes cut into pieces and seasoned with safe spices and things
Baked potatoes with toppings, sometimes with chili or pulled pork

I'm a compulsive snacker, and definitely the type to eat many small "meals," or snacks, throughout the day rather than three squares. I usually have some combination of the following stashed away...

Tortilla chips, usually with homemade salsa, pico de gallo, or hummus
Baked goodies {lots of recipes on my recipe index!}
Popcorn {popped in the air popper, topped with a little Earth Balance and salt}
Coconut milk yogurt, sometimes with Udi's granola stirred in
Cold cereal with almond milk
LARABAR's {good for on the go, always stashed in my bag}
Enjoy Life Foods Snack Bars {good for on the go, always stashed in my bag}

When you're starting to consider a diet that will eliminate gluten, dairy, or soy, or perhaps something else, I'd encourage you to make a list similar to this one based on your *current diet.* You might be surprised at how many of your favorites can be easily altered, or are already safe for your new diet. With your list complete, do some online research to find suitable substitutes. If you're stumped, ask me! I'd love to help.

How To: Dye Prefold Diapers

IMPORTANT UPDATE: I've gone back to the drawing board with this process! After several washes and what-not, my dyed prefolds are, in fact, bleeding. I've now got several {admittedly very pretty} lightly tinted diapers that weren't a part of the initial dyeing process. Research tells me that Rit dye was not the way to go, and that I need to find a professional quality dye... so... wee! on to some new testing in the Dandy's on the Wall kitchen! Hold off on your own dyeing adventures until further notice!

I'm so thrilled with these!! I love our prefolds anyway, but to liven them up a bit brought them to a whole new level of happy. Does that make me crazy? Perhaps. But if you cloth diaper, you won't think so...

The process was simple, and looked something like this:

I want to encourage you to follow the package directions if you're unsure, but in all fairness, I did deviate a bit. Simply put, I:

Ran the {prepped--don't use brand new, un-prepped cloth} diapers through a rinse in my machine to soak them.
Followed package directions for dissolving the dye in two cups of water.
Poured the water into a large metal basin.
Filled it with more hot tap water.
Soaked one prefold at a time (larger basin? throw a couple in!), stirring and mixing it around a bit.
Removed after only a few minutes.
Ran the prefolds under warm water to rinse away the bulk of the dye.
Took the prefolds to my washing machine {carry them in a bowl so you don't drip!} and ran a couple of rinses.
Washed with my usual diaper detergent.
Into the dryer!

I can't wait to use these tomorrow. The fact that I perked them up a bit from their usual, basic off-white makes me smile!

One Month In: My 365 Journey & Clutter Busting Mission

A month ago, I committed to two different year-long projects. Because I like to keep myself accountable, and because I know some of you out there are participating *with* me, I thought I might post a monthly update.

On Project One:
I'm loving my 365 Project! There have been a couple of those, "oh no! a picture!" evenings. In that case, I look around for something that might remind me of our day, or describe the events of the evening. That's not all bad, right? I truly do think I might turn this photo-a-day journal of sorts into a book at the end of the year. What a way to remember life!

On Project Two:
Clutter-Busting. Really? I needed this kick in the pants to get moving. Creating a Facebook group was the best thing I ever did, as it has helped to keep me motivated. I've skipped a few days here and there, some because they don't apply to our home, and yes, a couple because I simply didn't want to! Some decluttering is better than none, though, right??

It's your turn! Did you commit to either of these projects, or to some other goal for the year? I'd love to hear about your progress in the comments!