Homeschool: The Letter E {crafts, preschool, toddler activities, elephant, eagle}

I'm running behind!! We've seen a whirlwind of overnight visitors lately, and while I've enjoyed every minute, I have neglected my blog just a bit.

So, without further delay, I bring you... the letter E!

E is for Elephants! {paper plate craft}

These elephants were quite the silly project! I was literally opening the cap on the gray paint when Camden said, "mama, I want PINK elephants!" So, we made pink elephants. We painted three paper plates, set them aside to dry, and then cut out legs, ears, and trunks. Twine with a knot tied in the end made tails, plus a couple of tiny twine bows for the "mommy elephant, and the baby elephant!" Finally, we added a googly eye for each of our friends. {The baby elephant was made by cutting the center circle from the third painted plate.}

E is for Elephant {hand print craft}

This might be my most favorite project to date. I just love that little hand print, and the elephant parts make it even more adorable! We applied paint to Camden's hand, made a print, let it dry, and then cut it out. He helped me paste it to the red paper, and then I went to work with a thin black marker. I added leg detail, trunk detail, an ear, an eye, and a tail. Camden wrote the word elephant at the top by tracing the letters I provided for him.

E is for Eagle {hand print craft}

How CUTE is this guy?? We followed this template to make our little eagle, and then used letter stamps to spell out "eagle" along the top.

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