Polka-Dot Mobile

I started this project a few weeks back, and then sort of just walked away. It was left to hang, unfinished, in our little breakfast nook. Extra-long strands if fishing line tangled in my eyelashes whenever I leaned in to clean the bench seat in our nook.

I'm not kidding.

I'm so glad I was finally able to pull myself together and FINISH this one! It's been awfully gray and gloomy lately, and this mobile is a perfect little spot of sunshine.

The good news? 

You can make one too!

A tutorial really isn't even necessary, but here are the basics:

Gather your supplies:
An embroidery hoop {or other circular hanging device}
Several strands of fishing line
A large circle punch
Brightly colored paper
Glue Dots, used for scrapbooking and things {a glue stick would probably work too}

Now get to work:
Cut circles from your paper.
Attach fishing line to your hoop {I tied it in knots around the inner circle of the hoop, then placed the outer circle of the hoop to hold the lines in place}, spacing it evenly around the circle.
Hang the hoop with four more lengths of fishing line, balanced and tied together at the center.
Hang your hoop at a comfy working height.
Use two paper circles and a glue dot to make a "sandwich" around an individual strand of fishing line, pressing firmly.
Continue attaching the circles in whatever pattern {or lack of!} you'd like.


  1. This is awesome but i don't own a embroidary circle


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